NELGA Call for Research – Fellowships 2020

L’Office allemand d’échanges universitaires (DAAD) est financé par la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen¬arbeit (GIZ), à la demande du ministère fédéral allemand de la Coopération économique et du Développement (BMZ), pour organiser des mesures de soutien à le « Réseau d’excellence sur la gouvernance foncière en Afrique (NELGA) ».

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LAND-at-scale programme

The 2018 Dutch government policy note ‘Investing in Global Prospects ’ makes it clear that if you do not solve land issues, you cannot achieve most of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs).

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Just, inclusive and sustainable land governance is a prerequisite for achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Peace and stability, sustainable livelihoods, food and nutrition security, economic development, gender equality, adaptation to climate change, human rights, social justice, and sustainable use and management of natural resources all beneft from improved land governance.

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Research fellowships on Land and Gender under NELGA

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to organize support measures for the « Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) ».

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